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Race Management Committee

Race Management Committee:

The St. Lucie Sailing Club's Race Management Committee (RMC) governs all aspects of the club's Racing Program.  Specifically,  the RMC is charged with:

      • Establishing the policies and procedures that govern the program
      • Continuously evaluating its fairness and effectiveness
      • Defining and implementing any needed improvements. 
The RMC embraces safety, fairness, fun, and transparency as guiding principles for the program -- i.e., we value the safety of participants as paramount, intend that all races be conducted in a manner that is fair and fun for all and that our operations be transparent for SLSC members.

SLSC's By-Laws state that the RMC be a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 5 members including the Race Captain. The current RMC is:

      • Larry Bryant
      • Darren Kirkland
      • Jack Molinelli (Race Captain)
      • Joe Sawyer
      • Steve Weinstein

RMC Policies: